Family Disaster Dogs Course
Train Your Dog to Rescue You and Family in Disasters ! Find Missing Loved Ones! Includes 2 books
Watch PromoThis is where Your Family Dog learns to come to Your Rescue during Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Hurricanes and other Emergencies!
One of our biggest fears and chores during a disaster is losing or finding a loved one and every dog has the ability to find its family members or friends.
This course is the introduction and beginning of over 60 Family Disaster Dog lessons that teach the average dog owner how to train the family pet to alert and help the family before, after disasters and during emergencies. All of the lessons are included in both books that come with this course.
The full course and books include:
How your dog can find a lost or missing family member just like search dogs do.
How your dog can learn to wake you and your children when tornado sirens or other warnings sound
How your pet can help you load the car and carry evacuation supplies in a dog backpack
What and how to make a dog go-bag with emergency supplies
Tracking, Obedience, Find people in rubble
Your dog can learn to carry items between trapped loved one after earthquakes
You do not have to take the whole course, pick out the lectures and lessons that fit into your lifestyle and situation.
Learning one lesson is more then you knew before and that one lesson might save your life!
The more you learn the better your chances are in the aftermaths of disasters.
You also have contact with me during this course to ask questions and get advice while working with your dogs.
Learn what to do and how to evacuate in tornadoes, earthquakes, fires and floods.
Course Curriculum
Train Your Dog to be a Family Disaster Dog!
Your Dog Can Rescue You !
This 10 part course introduces you to the concept that your family dog is a lifesaving asset during an emergency or disaster.
Students learn why this type of dog training is the first of it's kind that teaches families and their dogs of any age or size Search Dog Skills to use in disasters and emergencies. And, why dogs around the world are learning these lessons.
We discuss the importance of your dog already on location which saves valuable time in an emergency situation when your waiting for emergency response.
There are over 60 lessons available and tailored to fit into the average household's daily activities so you can train your dogs in the comfort of the home. Every dog and owner no matter what age or size can learn these lessons that can save someone's life in a disaster.
This course covers the basics so you can teach any dog to help locate a missing family member and find a person in rubble.
Included with this course are videos and slide shows, instructor tips and access to ask questions while you train. You can come back anytime after enrolling for new sections, lessons, discounts and events.
Each Student who signs-up for this course receives a copy of each of my books
"The Family Disaster Dogs" book
"Evacuate with Your Dog's Help- Survival Bag List" book.
(Paperbacks ($22.98) or eBook, your choice for continued education)
A Graduation Certificate with you and your dog's name
Along with direct access to me to answer any questions you have during this course.
This lesson uses fun dog games to show how easy it is for the average family to teach their dog to help during disasters and also what to do if a loved one is lost.
Learn how the average family pet can be taught in a few lessons to rescue and find family members who are missing after tornadoes, earthquakes, flood or when other disasters hit.
This course discusses,
1. Why this training is important to you, your pet and your family.
2. What methods of dog training are used.
3. Simple basic lessons to get you started training your dog in the comfort of your own home.
4. Teach your dog to find a missing family member
5. Teach your dog to find a person in rubble
6. You dog learns to bring you items by name, ex. Get first aid "kit" , Get "water", "phone"
7. Train dog to be a messenger dog between family members
Much more....
A slide show takes you through teaching any pet dog how to find a person in rubble !
Videos show a dog in action learning to track a lost family member.
Here's your instructor teaching this course in person. Dogs attend too!
This type of Search Dog training offline costs several hundred dollars for qualified dogs and persons, if you can find a qualified Search and Rescue dog trainer, which is not easy to do.
I have trained many search dogs and handlers over the years and I wanted to make this valuable information available at a cost anybody can afford plus I wrote the book Family Disaster Dogs which brings this specialized dog training home to the average dog owner to use themselves when first responders and rescuers are unable to reach you and you have to take care of yourselves and loved ones.
The cost of this online course of $149.99 is a faction of the price of another person's life you may one day save with your dog's help.
Books included
Your Instructor
Over 30 years dog experience at your service!
I have worked with dogs since 1976 as an all- breed professional groomer/stylist, specializing in elderly pet care, traumatized dogs and puppies, certified K9 trainer, dog and handler instructor specializing in Search and Rescue Dogs. Former breeder of Bloodhounds and Shepherds, Pit Bulls, Schnauzers, pet spa owner. Retired kennel owner and Search Dog volunteer and instructor, much more :)
This is the first period of my adult life, I have not owned, lived with over 10 adult large dogs at a time! I raised working dogs for 30 years.
I have only one, "Washee" is a 6th generation wolf, I owned and bred her bloodlines since 1982. You will meet her in class.
Plus I'm a published author of 3 dog books that teach you how to be prepared for disasters with a dog's help and 1 tree book :) much more...
The dog's owner in the picture is reading my children's book to her Grand Champion Irish Water Spaniels I've worked with.
Amber Higgins